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Warsztat wprowadzający do MA-URI w Danii ( w j. angielskim)
30 czerwca 2018 : 10:00 – 1 lipca 2018 : 10:00

MA-URI is a life philosophy connected to the body.
Det handler om at mærke sig selv og sin kraft gennem bevægelse, dans og berøring. MA-URI is also self-healing based on ancient Polynesian wisdom.
The Polynesians were navigating in their canoes over the Pacific Ocean, using the sky, stars and sea. Converted to our reality, MA-URI is about navitating in your life – with the many possibilities, choices and demands that we are facing in our lives.
Saturday 30. juni 10.00 – sunday 1. July 10.00
Location: Kalø Økologisk Landbrugsskole, Skovridervej 1, 8410 Rønde (ecological farming school)
The Danish MA-URI Society invites you for a day of play, dance and connectedness the MA-URI-way. You will recieve an introduction to MA-URI from Polish MA-URI trainer HAnia Świątkowskaworking together with Scandinavian MA-URI practitioners.
The workshop will be in English.
Price: 300 DKr. including ecological food and staying over night on madrasses in one big room. The reason for the very low price is that the MA-URI Society has during some years gathered a sum of money which now must be used. So the MA-URI workshop day will be almost a gift!
You may buy access to a private room for 500 kr. extra (with space for two people sleeping)
If you want to participate, pleace contact mariagladny@gmail.com latest 10. June. Space is limited, meaning the first ones will be sure to benefit from this offer.
We are looking forward to spend these days with you in the sweet Spirit of MA-URI…!As the universe calls, so we dance
Barry Brailsford